
What’s Attachment Got to Do With It? Abandonment, Energy, Resilience

On the 24th of April, we lost another queen. Admittedly where I was amazed and perhaps baffled by the dramatic display of emotion and attention following the death of the British monarch last September, when Tina Turner, also known as the “Queen of Rock’n Roll” died last week, the outpouring of grief around the world,

What’s Attachment Got to Do With It? Abandonment, Energy, Resilience Read More »

Rock and Roll: Freedom Fighters, Window Shopping, A Cradle 

When I was young and deeply involved in Latin American anti-imperialist political work, the freedom fighters who organized and fought clandestinely against authoritarian dictatorships were called La Resistencia, the resistance. They boldly left their insignia, a capital R in a circle, as their quiet battle cry to show that they were not vanquished, ferociously not

Rock and Roll: Freedom Fighters, Window Shopping, A Cradle  Read More »

sex positive

Sex Positive: Climate Change, “Drudgery and Begrudgery,” Magnificence

Anyone who has known me more than a minute has heard me, probably ad nauseum, reference the renowned relationship researcher John Gottman. Gottman, originally an MIT-trained mathematician, changed direction to a study of psychology, mostly to try and figure out why he couldn’t get a date. The result – 40 years of longitudinal data about

Sex Positive: Climate Change, “Drudgery and Begrudgery,” Magnificence Read More »