Sexuality is a complex, wide and potentially wonderful world. Our culture gives us wildly confusing messages about it. On one hand we are stimulated and teased by it virtually everywhere we look. On the other, there is a poverty of real information about it. Most doctors, educators, parents, even therapists rarely speak of it in a meaningful way. Even couples themselves don’t talk about it, out of fear, shame, or the simple belief that they are “supposed to know” much more than they do. So where do young people “learn” about sex? Nowadays, largely from porn and Hollywood, which are hardly realistic portrayals.
Sexuality encompasses so many parts of us: body, emotion, relationship, operating together or not. It can be a wondrous source of pleasure and joy; and/or devastating, and very confusing. It is my wish to contribute to better understanding about it, so we can manage and enjoy our own better!
Neglect Informed Sex Therapy: Evil? “Solutions”, Health
In the early years of the Millennium, it seemed as if the world was suddenly haunted by a dreaded and insidious enemy. It kind of reminded me of the opening lines of Marx’s Communist Manifesto, which I read with great ardor in my first months of college in 1973: “A spectre
Silent World of Sex: Mystery, Shame, Neglect
Perhaps the most inelegant step in the cheesemaking process is washing the eight-gallon (30-litre) pot. For those of you who haven’t seen me, I could probably bathe in it. Washing up is by no means the last step in cheese production, as afterwards comes the many months-long ageing periods, which
Silver and Gold: Time, 2023, Onward
I sometimes find myself with an image of an infant alone in the dark. I have no idea if it is imagination or primordial memory, or some kind of archetypal or ancestral knowing. But it feels very real. The darkness is vast, empty, echoing and cold, and something about it