
Below are some Podcasts that I have featured on. 

The Invisible Trauma of Why You Might be a Lone Wolf with Ruth Cohn

Biology of Trauma Guest Speaker Event: Ruth Cohn

¿Por qué si lo tuviste todo no te sientes bien? Ruth Cohn Trauma de la Negligencia.

Nothing is not "nothing": how to live with the trauma of neglect?

Nothing is not "nothing": how to live with the trauma of neglect? (French version)

Brain Talks: Exploring Sexuality, Mental Health & Neurofeedback with Dr. Ruth Cohn

Neglect Is Trauma with Neuronoodle

Ruth Cohn on Trauma and Neurofeedback

Ruth Cohn on Trauma and Neurofeedback

The Problem with Nothingness: Deirdre Fay talks with Ruth Cohn, PHD

The Neurofeed Podcast

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