
Voice and Spine Come Home to Roost: Roots, Connections, Renewal

When I was preparing for my recent talks in Oxford, I actively reviewed my historical roots as a therapist and especially in the trauma field. One of my theoretical heroes was the (at least now) little known attachment researcher and somatic therapist, Stephen M. Johnson. Johnson hailed from the field of Bioenergetics, a seemingly forgotten

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True Repair: Yom Kippur, Why Apology Matters, What Heals?

Next week’s Jewish High Holiday Yom Kippur brings many thoughts. My childhood memories of that day are spotty and mostly painful. Our dad being the cantor was more nervous and irritable than ever, as that was the day when he had the fullest house of the year, meaning the “once-a-year-crowd” showed up. The sanctuary would

True Repair: Yom Kippur, Why Apology Matters, What Heals? Read More »

Spine and Voice in Oxford: Neglect Informing, Interdependence, Repair

I woke up with a start after my unheard-of, third-in-a-row, almost eight-hour night of sleep. Amazing. I am not sure if it is sheer and total exhaustion from all the excitement, stimulation and phenomenal energy output, or relief and joy that enabled me to truly rest. No need to question, I am infinitely grateful and

Spine and Voice in Oxford: Neglect Informing, Interdependence, Repair Read More »